Privacy policy

Privacy Policy 2019

Privacy statement according to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”).

Pursuant to current legislation on the protection of personal data (hereinafter the “Regulation”), l’ Avv. Maurizio Iorio , in its capacity as data controller, is required to provide certain information regarding the use of  the interested party’s personal data.

This Privacy Policy exclusively refers to the present Website and does not concern other websites, pages or online services accessible via links published within the Website.

1. Methods for the processing of personal data,

The data are processed by Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio  by its offices in 20131 Milan , Italy , Via Piccinni 5 , using manual, paper, IT and telematic means and procedures strictly necessary for the purposes indicated in this Privacy statement. Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio   uses technical and organizational security measures to prevent loss of data, illegal or improper use and unauthorised access. Data are entered by Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio   in one or more databases and processed only by employees and collaborators properly trained in the specific functions assigned to them and in accordance with the detailed instructions received from the data controller, always and solely for achieving the specific purposes indicated in this Privacy statement, in order to avoid loss, destruction, unauthorised access or processing of the data. For some activities, Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio   may use trusted third parties which perform on its behalf tasks of a technical or organizational nature, acting as managers and/or processors under the direction and supervision of  Avvocato Maurizio Iorio  in its capacity as data controller.

2. Types of processed data

The Data Controller treats the following personal data of the user of the site in order to allow him / her to use the Website and to get in touch with Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio   for requests for information:

Surfing data

The computer systems and software implemented on the Website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of communication protocols of the Internet.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

These data, necessary for the use of the Website, are processed for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the services use (most visited pages, number of visitors per hour or day, geographical areas of origin, etc.) and to ensure the proper functioning of the services offered.

The navigation data are not stored for more than seven days and are deleted immediately after their aggregation, without prejudice to the possible requests of judicial authorities to ascertain criminal offenses.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary submission of e-mail messages  entails the acquisition of the sender’s email address, which is required to respond to his  requests, as well as any other personal data included in the email .

3. Optional nature of the data provided

Surfing data are processed for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information on the use of the services and to control the proper functioning of the services offered.

The user is free to provide the personal data referred to in point 2 (Data provided voluntarily by the user), which are used exclusively to respond to his emails.

4. Cookies Policy

Only technical and session cookies are implemented on the Website, i.e. small text files containing a certain amount of information exchanged between  the interested partyr terminal or  the interested partyr browser and the Website, which allow the correct operation and use of the latter. On the opposite, cookies are neither used to transmit information of a personal nature nor the so-called persistent cookies have been implemented.

If the user does not wish to receive any type of cookie on his computer, he can increase the privacy protection level of his browser through the appropriate function.

5. Communication of data

The data may be used by staff of Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio   who has been assigned a specific role and to whom adequate operating instructions have been given in order to avoid losses, destruction, unauthorized access or unauthorized processing of the data. 

Data controllers :   third parties who perform instrumental activities on behalf of the Data Controller and who act as data controllers and under the direction and control of the Data Controller may also use the data.

The updated list of recipients is available by submitting a request to:

6. Data retention

Personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy statement and for the fulfilment of the consequent legal obligations, and within the limitation period prescribed for the exercise of the rights arising under the relationship established with Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio  . Thereafter,  the interested partyr data will be deleted and/or destroyed.

7. Rights of the interested party

The interested party have the right to be informed, at any time, regarding which data are available to the data controller and how such data are used.  the interested party also have the right to have them updated, integrated, corrected or deleted, request their transfer, portability or limitation of processing, in the cases provided for by the law, and to oppose their processing except in the case of a legitimate reason of the data controller. To exercise such rights, as well as for more detailed information regarding the persons or categories of persons to whom the data are communicated and/or transferred or who could have access to such data in the performance of their duties, please contact our person in charge  for communications with the interested parties at Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio  , Via Nicola Piccinni 5-20131 Milan (MI); phone +39 02.36593383; fax +39 02.93661351; email:

With the aforesaid procedure the interested party can, at any time, withdraw  the interested party’s consent, without prejudice to the legitimacy of the processing carried out prior to this withdrawing. Lastly, we remind  the interested party that  the interested party have the right to lodge a complaint with the Authority for the protection of personal data if  the interested party believe that  the interested party ‘s rights have not been respected or that  the interested party did not receive a response to  the interested party’s  request according to law.

8. Data controller

Please be advised also that the data controller for the processing of personal data pursuant to the law is Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio  , Via Nicola Piccinni, 5 – 20131 Milan – Italy , in the person of Avv. Maurizio Iorio.

Privacy policy updated on 15th January 2019.

Studio Legale Avvocato Maurizio Iorio