Maurizio Iorio
Lawyer in Milan
Firm in via Nicola Piccinni n. 5
20131 Milan
Partita IVA : 01377970197
Iscrizione all’Albo Avvocati di Milano
n° 2006002683
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He graduated with first class honours (110/110) from the State University of Milan with a dissertation on public international law.
He practiced law in several firms specialised in labour law and commercial law.
He attended two specialisation courses in business management at the IMD of Lausanne (1997 and 1999) and three in Japan (1989-1995-1997 at the OTC – Matsushita Overseas Training Center).
He was the Director of Legal and General Affairs and then a Board Director at Panasonic Italia Spa, a member of the Legal Advisory Committee di MEB (Matsushita Europe Brussels Liaison Office), working at the agency office in Brussels of Matushita Electric Company Ltd. of Osaka.
• He is the Chairman of ANDEC – Confcommercio (The Italian National Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Civil Electronic Equipment – Italian general commerce federation ).
• He is ERION ECO member of the board, driving company to ERION Group, the largest Italian collective system and one of the largest in Europe for the collection and treatment of WEEE and waste batteries and accumulators.
• He is member of the Committee for the Protection of Impartiality of SGS Italia Spa.
• He is has been a member of the Private Copy Technical Consultation Board with the Ministry of Culture.
• He works with several business associations as an advisor and lecturer on the subject of guarantees, product safety, liability for defective products, and sales networks (including: sale and guarantee, manufacturer’s liability, technical support and distribution agreements); and publishes articles on legal matters in magazines in the electronic sector.
• He is an advisor on the subject of the product safety and manufacturer’s liability to major Italian certification institutions, and on environmental matters to several multinationals working in the electronics and toys sectors.
Languages spoken fluently: Italian,English and French